Click on the red bar above to Register for Georgia Tournaments
Quick Links to register can be found on the Team Georgia home page when tournament registration is open. Team Georgia Wrestling (
Open/Hammer/1st Year
All registration closes at 9am on Friday before the event. You will not be allowed to register after 9am on Friday.
Events may close early due to reaching max registrations.
If a Team Georgia Pairer is in attendance of the tournament we will be able to redraw brackets if someone misses weight. If you sign up for a weight class and make weight for the lower weight class, we will NOT move you down a weight class. Make sure you are signing up for the correct weight. We can not guarantee that you will be able to bump up to the event if you do not make weight. This will not be done at Qualifiers or State.
Double Bracketing
You are allowed to double bracket at open and Hammer events. You are not allowed more than 2 brackets per tournament. Even if the system lets you register for morning session and afternoon session you are not allowed to wrestle more than 2 brackets. If you are in more than 2 brackets, we will remove you from one bracket and you will not get a refund.
We do not allow rest time if you double bracket. If your matches are at the same time you will compete in one bracket and then report directly to the next match.
There is no double bracketing allowed in 1st year events. If you are registered in more than one bracket you will be removed from the extra brackets without a refund.
Qualifier/State Registration
You are only allowed to sign up for one qualifier. If you sign up for more than one qualifier you will be removed from all qualifiers and unable to compete.
All qualifiers will be held on the same day
Top four from all qualifiers are able to register for State. You must register for state by the date listed on the website. If you miss the registration date and time you will not be able to be added to the tournament.
If the 1st thru 4th place do not register it will be opened to the 5th and 6th place winner. 5th and 6th place will receive an email stating that your registration is in your cart. If you do not check out in the allotted time it will be removed from your cart.
If you register for state and did not qualify you will be removed from the event without a refund.